ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive Project Blog: Media: Artzybasheff's Machinalia: "In his introduction to the section titled 'Machinalia' in his book As I See, Boris Artzybasheff says, 'I am thrilled by machinery's force, precision and willingness to work at any task, no matter how arduous or monotonous it may be. I would rather watch a thousand ton dredge dig a canal than see it done by a thousand spent slaves lashed into submission. I like machines.'"
amazing. his neurotica is wonderful too: http://www.animationarchive.org/2006/02/media-artzybasheffs-neurotica.html
Stonking stuff there, Dave. It's all wonderfully weird, and I can't explain why the face of Infantilism is Bing Crosby.
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