Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Action Philosophers!

Action Philosophers!

A bit like the excellent Freud comic in Kieron's Commercial Suicide anthology mixed with those cartoon books I remember from public libraries that explained key individuals through the medium of bad drawings, this is edutainment in its finest form. I still prefer Martin Rowson's reinterpretation of Tristam Shandy (better than that awful movie by a very long way.)


Iain McC said...

Awww. For a second there I thought you were going to say that you'd bought a Sigmund Freud Action Figure...

Grill said...

I prefer the elderly models at - especially Allah, he's the bomb.

Which is a good thing. Not bomb in an islamic funamentalist-mentalist suicidal sense. Obviously.

Anonymous said...

While in Bristol last week I picked up a really nice little book about Isambard Kingdom Brunel which his explained all his feats with comics! It's great!