Monday, May 08, 2006

Pop-up Books - Sneak Peek!

Pop-up Books - Sneak Peek!: "For the past few years Matthew Reinhart has been working with legendary children's book creator Maurice Sendak on a pop-up labor of love! This hilarious book, titled Mommy? is Maurices's tribute to his love of the monsters of the 1930's."

One of my favourite kid's authors, along with the astounding Shaun Tan. Sendak really captures the macabre nature of being a small thing in a world of unpredictable giants, who can scream and howl or who can bend to your every whim. It's a rare thing to keep that childish mind, though I can think of friends who somehow have integrated it their real personality (instead of remaining children proper, or flipping into that psychotic construct we call adulthood.)

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