Wednesday, March 29, 2006

US debt clock running out of time, space - Yahoo! News

US debt clock running out of time, space - Yahoo! News: "So rapid is the rise of the US national debt, that the last four digits of a giant digital signboard counting the moving total near New York's Times Square move in seemingly random increments as they struggle to keep pace.

The national debt clock, as it is known, is a big clock. A spot-check last week showed a readout of 8.3 trillion -- or more precisely 8,310,200,545,702 -- dollars ... and counting.

But it's not big enough."

Reminds me of that awesome fiscal responsibility platform game someone made, where you got to play as Mr T, Hulk Hogan and other heroes of the 80s battling through Bush's massively, rapidly increasing debt. Does anyone have a link for that?

1 comment:

Sweet Camden Lass said...

I've just noticed you've linked to me. How incredibly sweet, kind, and thoughtful of you!