Monday, July 21, 2008

According to my timesheet at work, last week I worked sixty five hours, not including freelance. If I'd been at Future, I would have begrudged every moment of that stolen time, in my penury and misery, but here in the glossy, happy world of PR it's varied, exciting, and interesting; my only irritation is that I can't spend every hour of every day with Maria - oh, how low this onetime bachelor hath sunk... Anyway, that week of schlepping was tolerably pleasant because it included a day trip to Paris to see the really interesting city-building MMO Cities XL and 2 1/2 days on the Hop Farm at the War & Peace show (large numbers of scary men in military/Nazi uniforms or 1940s civvies walking around buying cheap machetes and "decommissioned" machine guns, mortars. And one very brave Vietnam war protestor) demoing Men of War, a very cute and clever realtime tactics / roleplaying game that reminds me of nothing so much as a non-pausable Hidden & Dangerous II. Now, back to the working week...

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