Monday, January 26, 2004

The Cat and the Hat as Viet Nam War Text, Tim Driscoll

Researching the Cat in the Hat for game news, I came across a wealth of inutility comparable to a holiday in a hash field. This book has inspired (and I use that term loosely) people to make the most esoteric design decisions. Considering it started out as a thought-experiment to determine whether a book could be read with a highly restricted vocabulary, it's certainly inspired an excess of words. For example;

The Yiddish Cat

you don't like it, go find another 3D Cat in the Hat screensaver!
or so reads the slogan for this screensaver...

Freud on Seuss cos their name's sound similar, like.

And finally, one of my favourite
Cats in hats thought experiment or so it seems.

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