Saturday, January 25, 2003

Two types of twitching a welcomed this eve: the first is a memory of yesterday, of looking out across a club floor, where a potato band were playing, with recognisable naíf faces you could read every day of faked history from, and seeing that floor full of the spasmodically twitching heads of people who didn't really like the music, but liked the youth on show. Coming such a way to see a band who you know are no good, and then being lonely in tune to them in a crowd. What a pleasantly self-destructive way to pass the night. However Herman Dúne were harmonic enough, in a mid-west hassidic way - one of them even had peyers!

The second twitching was supposedly induced by the intake of substantial quantities of gaming-enhancing drugs, though no such effects were seen - supposedly they restore your concentration but hardcore gamers have no problem with that as far as we could see in our dead scientific study tonight - subject A took the pills (uppers, maintainers, and downers), subject B was a control and subject C (me!) got to drink lots of booze to see how it would affect his game. Results in the next issue of PC Format boys and girls!

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